About me

Pronouns: she/her. PhD Candidate in Network Science at Utrecht University. Interested in anything that has to do with networks, computational social science, movies, and pizza.


  1. Visiting Scholar, Indiana Uniersity

    2024 — Present

    AccelNet-MultiNet Fellowship, visiting NaN's lab at Indiana University. [website]

  2. PhD Candidate in Network Science, Utrecht University

    2022 — Present

    Human Data Science group

  3. MSc in Physics of Complex Systems, Politecnico di Torino

    2020 — 2022

    Double Degree at Politecnico di Torino, Universite de Paris Cite, SISSA, ICTP, Paris Sorbonne, Paris Saclay.

  4. BSc in Physics, Università degli studi di Torino

    2017 — 2020


  1. Teaching assistant, Utrecht University

    2022 — Present

    Courses: Advanced Research Methods and Statistics for psychology, Applied Data Analysis and Visualization, Network Science Summer School.

  2. Master Thesis Project - Intern, ISI Foundation


    Sentiment analysis of tweets regarding sustainability and health issues related to palm oil. Dynamics of public opinion and analysis of viral events. Comparison with other vegetable oils impact on social media and with surveys. Unravel mechanisms driving the viral events.

  3. Teaching assistant, Università degli studi di Torino

    2018 - 2020

    Course: Physics Laboratory 1.



  1. NetSci 2024 - Quebec, Canada

    June 2024

    International School and Conference on Network Science, poster title: Community Detection on Signed Bipartite Networks. [poster]

  2. ODISSEI Conference - Utrecht, The Netherlands

    November 2023

    ODISSEI Conference for Social Sciences in the Netherlands (OCSSN), talk title: Community detection on signed networks: untangling co-voting patterns on social media. [slides]

  3. CompleNet 2023 - Aveiro, Portugal

    April 2023

    International Conference on Complex Networks, lightning talk. [slides]


  1. Young Complexity Researchers Utrecht's Talk - Utrecht, The Netherlands

    November 2023

    Invited talk. [website]

  2. AccelNet MultiNet Collabathon - Zaragoza, Spain

    November 2023

    AccelNet MultiNet Collabathon, with a project on coarse graining in networks. [github]

  3. WiNS Collabathon - Boston, USA

    May 2023

    Women in Network Science Collabathon at Northeastern University. [github]

  4. WWCS 2023 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    February 2023

    Winter Workshop on Complex Systems at Institute of Advanced Studies in Amsterdam. [slides]


  1. FRIENDS satellite

    September 2024

    Frameworks, Research and applIcations in complEx Networks with signeD edgeS, a full-day satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems. [website]

  2. CCS Warmup

    August 2024

    Organized by the yrCSS, a two-day informal event for PhD students and early-stage scientists before the Conference on Complex Systems. [website]

  3. Winter Workshop on Complex Systems 2024

    January 2024

    The Winter Workshop on Complex Systems is a one-week workshop where young researchers worldwide come together to work on interdisciplinary projects around complex systems. The primary focus of the workshop is for participants to engage into novel research projects. [website]

  4. Women in Network Science Seminars

    Fall 2023 - Winter 2024

    The Women in Network Science (WiNS) seminar is an interdisciplinary seminar with the aim to promote and showcase research by women and non-binary researchers in network science. [website]

  5. Network Science Summer School

    July 2023

    Utrecht University Summer School, coordinator: Dr. Javier Garcia-Bernardo. 5-days introductory course on network science. [website]
